
Hey Greg - we’re virtually vizinhos! We’re between São Teotónio and Boa Vista on the inland side of the 120. I tried to message you on WhatsApp but it didn’t recognise you. I’ll try to message directly - it would be great to meet up.

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Hello Alastair, Clive and I are following your blog with great interest. We lived on the West Coast for five years and have now retreated east , more than we reckoned with, on the East side in VRSA . It’s hard for us to fathom that parts of our beloved Vincentine coast are burning. I’ve been thinking this was the only cool place left in all of Portugal! Good luck and do let us know when you’re taking in guests - we would like to be among the first! Boa sorte!

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Boa tarde. I was wondering what happened to your blog. We have a small flower farm in João Roupeiro in Odeceixe and got a little spooked by the fire as it got to about 1.5 km from us. We were shocked a couple of days later when we drove by Odeceixe and saw how the fire had come up to the city itself, and even more amazed last week when we drove up to Beja and saw all the burn in and around southern Odemira. Thanks for the update on Vicentino winery, we could see how close the fire came to their fields on the west side of N120. Keep up the good writing, we are thinking about putting in a few vines as we have about 2 ha that we are deciding what to do with.

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